Helping to make your business quantum ready

Quantum isn't magic or science fiction, it's simply the physics of the very small - particles smaller than an atom.

The quantum world involves a lot of uncertainty and probability, and "entanglement" of particles to work together, which scientists are using to make more powerful computers that solve problems in the most optimal way, sense things at a great distance, or create secure communications that no one can intercept.

Quantum computing in particular is a new form of computing that uses quantum physics to solve very difficult problems much faster than a regular computer. Our business will help your large company plan for how to use these technologies.

Helping to make your business quantum ready

Quantum isn't magic or science fiction, it's simply the physics of the very small - particles smaller than an atom.

The quantum world involves a lot of uncertainty and probability, and "entanglement" of particles to work together, which scientists are using to make more powerful computers that solve problems in the most optimal way, sense things at a great distance, or create secure communications that no one can intercept.

Quantum computing in particular is a new form of computing that uses quantum physics to solve very difficult problems much faster than a regular computer. Our business will help your large company plan for how to use these technologies.

Our Offerings

Connecting science and business


For everyone from your board members to your tech talent to understand the potential and risks of quantum tech


Engaging your lines of business to identify and prioritise use cases with impact and value


Connecting you with an ecosystem of quantum players in Canada and the world, to make your firm quantum ready


Digital Projects


Active Subscribing


Monthly Customer


Enterprise Quantum Will
Help You Become Quantum Ready.

Ryan Sim

Executive Strategy Consultant

With experience as a thought leader on quantum strategy for one of Canada's major banks, and author of its technology, data and analytics, AI and dozens of other strategies. An expert communicator of complex technical subjects for boards and senior executives. Trusted advisor to senior leaders, with a background in engineering physics, entrepreneurship and strategy across multiple sectors.
  • Winning Team Member of the 2023
    International Quantum Strategy Hackathon

    3 Step Branding Strategy Planning

    Developing Powerful

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    Our Expert Team Will
    Help You Become Quantum Ready.

    Executive Strategy Consultant

    Ryan Sim


    Melissa Valdez

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Cut through the hype.

    • What is Quantum Computing?
      Quantum computing is an area of computing that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to process and store information. It leverages quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent multiple states simultaneously, allowing for parallel computations and potentially solving certain problems more efficiently than classical computers.
    • How can quantum computing be used by financial services?
      Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of the banking industry. It can help with tasks such as portfolio optimization, risk analysis, fraud detection, encryption and decryption, and simulation of financial markets. Quantum computing's immense processing power and ability to handle complex algorithms can significantly enhance these operations and provide valuable insights for banks.
    • What advantages does quantum computing offer to banks?
      1. Enhanced computational power: Quantum computers can solve certain problems exponentially faster than classical computers, enabling banks to process large volumes of data and perform complex calculations more efficiently. 2. Improved optimization and risk analysis: Quantum algorithms can optimize investment portfolios, analyze risks in real-time, and help banks make informed decisions based on complex financial models. 3. Advanced encryption and cybersecurity: Quantum cryptography algorithms provide stronger encryption, ensuring secure transactions and protecting sensitive customer information from potential threats. 4. Simulating financial markets: Quantum computers can simulate various market scenarios, enabling banks to assess potential risks and develop strategies for better decision-making.
    • Are there any current examples of banks using quantum computing?
      While quantum computing is still in its early stages, several banks and financial institutions have started exploring its potential applications. For example, JPMorgan Chase has been researching quantum algorithms for portfolio optimization, risk analysis, and derivative pricing. Additionally, Barclays has collaborated with IBM to explore quantum computing's applications in finance and banking.
    • When can we expect quantum computing to have a significant impact on the enterprise?
      The development and practical implementation of quantum computing in the banking industry is an ongoing process. While there have been significant advancements in quantum technology, it may still take several years before we witness widespread adoption and a significant impact on the banking sector. The timeline depends on various factors, including the scalability and reliability of quantum hardware, algorithmic advancements, and regulatory considerations.
    • How will quantum computing affect data security?
      Quantum computing has the potential to both enhance and challenge data security in banking. On one hand, it can strengthen encryption through quantum-resistant algorithms, making it more difficult for adversaries to breach security systems. On the other hand, the development of powerful quantum computers could potentially break traditional encryption methods, necessitating the adoption of quantum-safe encryption techniques. Banks need to prepare for this transition to ensure data security in the quantum era.
    • Are there any risks or challenges associated with quantum computing in the banking industry?
      Yes, there are certain risks and challenges associated with quantum computing in industry. Some of these include: 1. Quantum algorithm development: Developing efficient quantum algorithms that can effectively address specific banking problems is still a complex task. It requires interdisciplinary collaboration between quantum physicists, mathematicians, and finance experts. 2. Quantum hardware limitations: Quantum computers are still in their nascent stages, and building reliable and scalable hardware is a challenge. Overcoming issues like qubit stability, error correction, and scaling up the number of qubits is crucial for achieving practical quantum computing solutions. 3. Transition and integration: Integrating quantum computing into existing enterprise systems and processes will require significant investments and changes. Companies will need to address compatibility issues, ensure data privacy, and train personnel to leverage quantum computing effectively. 4. Regulatory considerations: As quantum computing evolves, regulators will need to adapt and develop frameworks to govern its use in the banking industry. Ensuring compliance, ethical considerations, and managing potential risks will be essential.
    • How can banks prepare for the advent of quantum computing?
      To prepare for the advent of quantum computing, banks can take the following steps: Stay informed: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in quantum computing and understand its potential impact on the banking industry. Regularly monitor research, academic advancements, and collaborations in the field. Invest in research and partnerships: Allocate resources for internal research and development initiatives related to quantum computing. Collaborate with leading technology companies, universities, and research institutions to explore potential use cases and develop expertise in the field. Identify quantum-ready applications: Evaluate existing banking processes and operations to identify areas where quantum computing can bring significant improvements. Prioritize use cases that offer the greatest potential benefits and start experimenting with quantum algorithms and simulations. Enhance cybersecurity measures: Prepare for the future threat landscape by investing in quantum-resistant encryption methods and implementing post-quantum cryptography. Evaluate and update security protocols to protect against potential vulnerabilities that may arise from advancements in quantum computing. Educate and train personnel: Build internal expertise in quantum computing by providing training and education programs to employees. Develop a workforce that understands the basics of quantum mechanics, algorithms, and their potential applications in the banking sector.

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